Danzas y Canciones
- Rachel Gauk - MAR 137
Toward the Sea - Rachel Gauk, Susan Hoeppner
- MAR 147
Scarlatti Sonatas - Rachel Gauk - MAR
Histoire Du Tango - Rachel Gauk, Susan
Hoeppner - MAR 177
Bach Meets Cape Breton - David Greenberg,
Puirt a Baroque - MAR 181
Panorama - Rachel Gauk - MAR 191
Piazzolla: Intime - InTime Quintet - MAR
Marais: Suite d'un gout etranger - MAR
My Angel - Rachel Gauk - MAR 209
Kinloch's Fantasy - David Greenberg, Puirt
a Baroque - MAR 211
Return of the Wanderer - David Greenberg,
Puirt a Baroque - MAR 223
The Romantic Flute - various artists -
MAR 9020
Throw the House Out of the Windowe - Terry
McKenna - MAR 277
Trio Norté - Bill Bridges, guitar
- MAR 291
Orion Masters: The Art of Laurindo Almeida
- MAR 3101
Rhapsody Judaica - MAR 349