The site uses a shopping cart, much like a store would. You need to
find the CD you are looking for, then add it to your cart.
To order an item, go to page that features the CD and click the "Add
to Shopping Cart" button. You can see whats in your Shopping
Cart at any time by clicking the View Shopping Cart button
found on many pages of our site.
Check the list of items you've placed in your Shopping Cart. Then click
the "Checkout" button. You will be taken to our order form.
When it's completed, your order will be sent directly to Marquis in
Toronto. You will receive a confirmation of your order by e-mail from
GUARANTEE: If you are not completely satisfied with any CD, return
it within 30 days for a full refund of the CD price.
DELIVERY: We ship from from Marquis in Toronto around the world
- First Class Mail in Canada and Air Mail to the rest of the world.
If you want overnight courier delivery - for those last-minute gifts!
- call us and we will calculate the additional charge for you. Most
orders are shipped within 48 hours.
PAYMENT: All orders are pre-paid, so we need your Visa or MasterCard
number and expiry date. This is a SECURE SITE. However, if you prefer,
you can phone or fax your credit card number separately. We will not
process your payment until your order has been shipped. If you would
like to pay by cheque or money order, read How to Order Off-line
for information about ordering by mail.
PRICES: CDs are $16.98 each, except
CDs in the Orion Master Recordings budget series, which are $9.98 each.
Two-CD sets are $19.98. DVDs are $19.98. SHIPPING is $3.50 per
order to North American addresses, and $15 extra outside North America.
(There is a shipping charge for each address.)
TAXES: No taxes on shipments outside Canada. As of July 1, 2010, the following tax rates apply in Canada (the destination of the shipment determines which tax rate is used): 5% for AB, SK, MB, PEI, PQ / 12% for BC / 13% for NB and NF and ON / 15% for NS.
QUESTIONS? Just give us a call! Telephone: 888-627-6165. Outside
North America call 416-690-7662. We are pleased to answer your questions
about the CDs in our catalog, ordering and paying for CDs, and the status
of orders that are in process.
If you dont want to order on-line, use the online order area for
Phone/Fax orders, or print out this form.
You can then send us your order by mail or fax. Or order by phone. If
you order by mail, you can pay by Visa MasterCard, or by cheque (North
America) or international money order (world-wide).
PHONE ORDERS: 888-627-6165 - toll free from anywhere in North America,
or 416-690-7662 from outside North America.
MAIL ORDERS: Marquis Classics, 30 Kenilworth Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4L
3S3, Canada
FAX ORDERS: 416-690-7346